Parole di Dante

🔗 Quick link to the 🔠 Project

Parole di Dante (Dante’s words), by Emojilingo, is a glossary of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy translated in emoji with correspondences from the Italian and the English versions of the work.

Our glossary is made up of 365 words from Dante’s Comedy, selected in 2021 by the Italian Accademia della Crusca. On that occasion, in a spontaneous crowdsourcing participation (feat @fchiusaroli and Maria Stella Bottai @stellissa, and university students), the #emojitaliano and #scritturebrevi social community produced emoji matches for the 365 words, one per day. Parole di Dante uses Italian and English in the chain translation project, allowing more and more people to understand the meanings of an archaic and artistic vocabulary and make it accessible to everyone.

Finally, Emojilingo is now training Chat-GPT to learn the Emojitaliano grammar and give autonomous and creative translations, which the research group is going to validate. With the help of Chat-GPT, the automated translation process is more speedy and guarantees a more and more international view.

🔗 Quick link to the 🔠 Project and to the Spreadsheet.