The Infinity by Giacomo Leopardi

English Emojilingo
Always dear to me was this solitary hill ⌊⏳♾️⌋🧍^⌊🥰🥰⌋👇⌊⛰👶⌋🏜,
and this brush, which many sides ➕👇🌳,➰
of the distant horizon hides from view. 🗝🌅🔭.
But sitting and marvelling, interminable ☝️🧍^🧎➕^🔮,➕^📽🌌
space there beyond, and superhuman ♾️🪂🌳,➕🔕
silence, and piercing stillness 🪐,➕🐚🔆;
do my mind envisage, until my heart 👉〰️
can endure no more. And as the wind ❤️^😱.🔜🧍
I hear rustling through the foliage, the 🎧🌬^⌊🍃🎶⌋🙌⌊🌿🌿⌋,🧍
infinite silence to that voice ⚖️🔕♾️👉⌊🔔🌬⌋:
do I compare: I remember eternity, 🧍^⌊💭🌟⌋⌊⏳♾️⌋
and the seasons gone, and the one present ➕⌊🌗🌗⌋⌊🍂🍂⌋,➕🌗📆
and alive, and its sound. And in that ➕🍃,➕🎶.🔜🙌🌌
immensity do my thoughts plunge: 💭^⌊🌊🌪⌋:
and drowning is to me sweet in that sea. 🧍^🥰^⌊🙆‍♂️🌪⌋👇🌊.