Francesca Chiusaroli

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Full professor of General and Applied Linguistics and Media Linguistics at the University of Macerata (Italy). She has previously taught at the Universities of Udine and Rome "Tor Vergata." Among her research interests are writings, both in theoretical and historical perspectives, pasigraphies and shorthands. She is the author of the interdisciplinary research project "Scritture Brevi"(since 2009) and the devoted blog scritturebrevi and an active community on Twitter (#scritturebrevi). She is the inventor of Emojitaliano and oversees its translations, starting with Pinocchio in Emojitaliano. She conceived Emojitaliano as a code for international auxiliary communication, believing that the power of the popular digital pictographic repertoire, combined with the establishment of conventional glossaries and grammar as shared in crowdsourcing, can serve as a mediating code capable of overcoming language barriers and simplifying communication.

Johanna Monti

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Full professor of Translation Studies and Specialized Translation at the University of Naples "L'Orientale", previously taught at the University of Sassari. Her research interests primarily focus on translation technologies, machine translation, and AI. She has been involved in the Emojitaliano project since its birth, contributing to the translation tasks and, in particular, overseeing scientific publications on linguistic aspects of automation and technologies for computer-assisted translation on an international level.

Federico Sangati

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Currently working as a Research Technician in the Cognitive Neurorobotics Research Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan, where he supports researches in a variety of fields such as Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Computer Simulations, and Human-Computer Interaction. Since 2015 he has been actively exploring the field of conversational AI and developed a number of ChatBots. With his expertise in these fields, he enthusiastically joined the original Emojitaliano project from its birth, taking charge of creating the @emojitalianobot, therefore providing the crucial technological support which preserves and makes available to the community the glossary, grammar, and entertaining games with Emojilingo.